Monday, November 2, 2009

5 Quick Things

It's been a few days since I've posted, so just wanted to do a quick post to prove I'm still alive and kicking!

So 5 quick things:

1. I hosted book club on Friday night (The Glass Castle was the book of choice - host gets to choose) and a Halloween party on Saturday- pics to come later this week!  I was a fairy :)
2. I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!!  Details to come :)
3. I have a bum neck.  I was doing some last minute shopping in Target on Saturday before my party, and I got a weird pain in my neck, then within a couple of minutes, it hurt so bad that I couldn't even hold my purse on my shoulder on my right side.  I STILL can't turn my head to the right.  When I change lanes when driving, I practically have to do the robot to see if anyone is over there.  It's a pain in the neck.  Literally.  I've got a moist heat pack on it now as I write this.  Not cool.
4. I've totally slacked on my running in the past couple of weeks and I'm worried about my upcoming 1/2.  After my impressive showing a few weeks ago where I ran 10 miles, I have only run a peasly couple miles twice.  WTF?  Not ok.  This needs to stop.
5. I'm hating the time change.  Being dark prior to 6pm is really not my cup of tea.  This is not going to help the running issue in #4.  It's not so much fun to run in the dark (and cold).  I will say, though, that it does make my nights feel longer, which I enjoy.

Stay tuned for more updates!


  1. Congrats on your new job! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I am back! I have just made a few changes to my blog.

    Have a wonderful day!



  2. Congrats on the new job! Hope your neck is feeling better too :)
